Our tree services include; Crown Lifting, Crown Thinning, Dead-wood Management, Crown Reduction, Sectional & Straight Felling. All of our services are carried out to BS3998:2010
Our Tree Consultants can provide VTA (Visual Tree Assessments), Tree Condition Surveys, Decay Detection, Disease & Pest Identification, Mortgage Reports to BS5837
Our range of Stump Grinding equipment gives us the capability to undertake all Stump Grinding operations. Alternatively, we offer an eco plugging service where Stump Grinding is not possible
Our Hedge Cutting services include; Reduction in height, Trimming of side growth and Shaping as required
Our complete Tree Planting service offers the Supply & Planting of all Sizes & Species of Tree available in the U.K to BS8545
Our seasoned Hardwood Logs can be supplied in various quantities. Please check for availability and delivery