Tractor Flail - Hazel & Thorn - Petersfield
by Daniel Green
CHTS were instructed by Scottish & Southern Energy Plc to flail a hedgerow into a uniformed shape to achieve a compliant safety clearance of the 11Kv overhead power network.
We firstly arranged for a qualified Surveyor to visit site and gain permission from the land owner and assess the health and safety requirements of the site and determine method of works and any specialist equipment required for the completion of the works.
The initial site visit highlighted the following issues:
- The hedgerows were situated in a remote location away from the main road, highlighting location details and the grid reference of the site in case of an emergency.
- Adverse weather and ground conditions could affect the access to the site.
It was determined by the Surveyor that due to the location of the hedgerow a 3 man team would be required. Work method statements and health and safety requirements for the site were then documented on a detailed live wire justification.
Once the permission had been gained from the land owner and a purchase order number raised by Scottish & Southern Energy Plc we were able to plan the works with landowner and client.
Day one of these works presented us with snowy conditions. This in turn led to a delay in equipment arriving safely to site and accessing the work site.
Day two was clear and sunny allowing all team members to be briefed on the work method statement, safe working practices and site risk assessment for this site. Plant Operator, Mike King was able to maneuver the John Deere Tractor with Side Arm Flail into the field that required our attention. Whilst Mike operated the John Deere Tractor Tom Wilkinson was available to act as a banks man when needed. Martin Cooper supervised the site works as well as liaising between SSE Plc and the land owner.
When the team were satisfied that the hedges had been cut sufficiently, the works were signed off by the client and land owner and specialist equipment returned to our head office.