Crown Reduction - Beech - Salisbury
by Daniel Green

CHTS were instructed by a domestic client to Crown Reduce 2 x Beech trees by up to 2 metres to reduce the pressure on the included unions and to install Cobra Bracing (4 tonne) to support these weaker unions whilst maintaining some flexibility for the trees to move.
We firstly arranged for a qualified Surveyor to visit site and produce a free quotation, check the health and safety of the trees and determine any specialist equipment that may be required for the completion of the works.
The initial site visit highlighted the following issues:
- The trees were situated in a small roadside section of woodland with many small saplings beneath
- The trees were situated next to a busy road junction and bus lane
It was determined by the Surveyor that due to the location of the trees it would require Chapter 8 signage to warn passing motorists of the adjacent tree works.
Once the quotation had been accepted by the client, the Administrative Team contacted Wiltshire Council to check the tree for Tree Preservation Orders or if the tree fell within a Conservation Area. These checks come back negative allowing us to proceed with the works.
Both trees were climbed and worked on simultaneously by Oliver Lower and Tom Wilkinson utilising Top Handled Chainsaws and Silky Saws to reduce the crown by 2 metres. Grounds men were in place below to watch and warn pedestrians and to drag the cut timber to the wood chipper.
When the tree surgeons were satisfied that the crowns of the tree had been reduced sufficiently suitable points were chosen and the Cobra Bracing was installed.